Thursday, October 12, 2006

T1 & T3 Brokers - Why Buy Through a Bandwidth Broker

When buying a T1 or T3 line the first thing that probably comes to mind is, "what will it cost?" Second thought is probably, "who can I trust for service?" These thoughts amongst the various available providers can very well cripple your move to a crawl towards such a purchase. This is where a bandwidth broker already begins to make sense.

A bandwidth broker is very valuable towards your service reliability and cost when considering a T1/T3 line. Here we will explain the logic behind the use of a broker for dedicated services.

A bandwidth broker essentially represents many different bandwidth providers. Don't be afraid though, these providers are usually heavily scrutinized before ever being offered. A broker's business is your satisfaction so it wouldn't make sense to allow low grade providers into the equation. Most brokers offering provider services are not fortune 500 companies that can afford to loose your business. This quest for your satisfaction is the drive that alone already makes a broker a wise decision.

Next of the broker's pro attributes is the broker's buying power. Now this buying power is not the power of the broker's money but rather that of it's accumulated client base. A broker, because of it's number of clients is given more consideration when it comes to price negotiating. Depending on your desired service, the savings a broker can offer you can amount to a lot.

Quality of service is always going to be of most importance to you and again that is where the broker comes in again. After a purchase through a broker you are not left to fend for yourself. A broker receives a commission for the life of your contract including the extension. If there ever is a problem with your services a broker is your advocate and that literally speaks volumes. Again, customer volume comes into play.

When a broker makes a call to the provider regarding a service issue it is not just one company making the complaint but the broker who represents many of the same provider's clients. Providers do not want to tarnish the relationship with a broker. A broker can easily recommend another provider to a large base of clientele and a provider would suffer a much harsher blow than if losing only one customer.

A broker is technically proficient in the aspects of bandwidth implementation and acts as a friendly consultant to the newest of clients. No question is ever too small or stupid so you can be assured to be comfortable in getting to know new technologies and how to get your company with the times.