Top 10 Tips When Buying Pre-paid Calling Cards
To avoid being scammed with countless pre-paid calling cards everywhere take a peak into these quality tips before deciding to buy one.
Low in propaganda and mystery, look for cheap rates. there are pre-paid calling cards out there that have low rates, attractive prints, no monthly fees and cheap plans for calls but there is a lot of complicated information that are still hidden on their websites. It could be a low calling rate if the call is made within the state but the rates goes extremely high for out of state calls. Look at the per call charge, 3 minute rounding, connection fees, and long talk time charges.
Excellent customer service. When there’s a problem, contacting the customer service should never be a problem. There must be no auto response telling the caller that they will try to do a call back within forty eight hours. Why? Because after forty eight long hours, a caller will just end up still waiting.
There is an enticement to switch the current local phone company to the pre-paid calling card’s sister phone company. There are pre-paid calling card companies that will ask the users to switch their phone providers to their mother company with an agreement to stay for twelve or twenty four months. If this is considered, check out the termination fees that will be applied if ever their service is not a quality.
Check out the expiration policy: Pre-paid calling cards have expiration indeed. But check out those that will expire only within thirty days if the card is not used. These calling cards do not care whether the user is on a vacation or is just saving the calls for more important occasions, they just deactivate the card and that’s it!
Fuzzy billing: Some pre-paid calling cards have a lot of teasers to offer that do not really help but just bugs the mind of the user. Be wise and use the calculator. Add the taxes and the fees that come with the card.
Watch out for the very expensive international calls. Heaven forbid if you decide to dial international number and call your parents or loved ones overseas, you will realize that your talk time is speedy talk time so that you can finish your conversation.
Mind boggling plans and more plans: As soon as a pre-paid calling card is chosen, the next dilemma will be, which plan to choose. It is so hard to understand the perks for each plan. There are double or triple plans, night plans, day plans, weekend plans and even unlimited plans. Pick the best plan that will go well with the chosen lifestyle.
Best and fun features: PIN numbers specially those that promote the privacy and security of the user is highly important. This is more needed when making long distance and international calls. But beware, there are pre-paid calling cards that ask for eight or ten PIN numbers, and this is a waste of time for callers who make a lot of calls.
One time use cards. Avoid this! It’s frustrating to know in the end that the calling card is not enough to make another call after the first call.