Thursday, January 04, 2007

How Do TV, Stereo and Cell Phone Antennas Work?

Basic determination of what antennas are states that they are an electronic part created to transmit or receive radio waves. While the definition of antennas sounds quite simple, the specific job of an antenna can be quite complicated. Antennas are a system involving conductors that are intended to transmit an electromagnetic field and the joint electric current. In place of that situation, if antennas are put into an electromagnetic field, that particular field will bring about an alternating current upon the antennas, and electromagnetic force between its poles.

There are two basic types of antennas with the first type pairing with an electric field of an electromagnetic wave and oftentimes is part of a length of wire that an electric charge moves back and forth. The second type of antenna pairs with the magnetic field of an electromagnetic wave and is usually in the shape of a loop or a coil. If a person were to add additional conducting rods or coils that are referred to as elements as well as variegating their lengths, spacing and course, antennas that have particularly sought after properties can be created. Most of the time people will see antennas that were for use in a comparatively narrow frequency range.

The most common antennas people see is the straight rod on a radio or car that is about a quarter of a wavelength long. These types of antennas are very easy to put together inexpensively and can beam in and receive from all horizontal directions. Antennas are often used for the transmission and reception of radio frequency signals from electronic equipment like televisions and radios that can move over huge areas at the speed of light and move through various non-conducting walls.

There are many different factors that can affect antennas and how they perform that can be changed during the design of a particular antenna. The factors that can affect antennas are resistance, resonant frequency, amplification, regulation or radiation pattern, polarization, ratio and information measure. A transmit antenna can also have a maximum power rating and a receiving antenna can have changing noise rejection attributes. Whatever the internal workings of antennas might be, without an antenna most of the world would not be receiving much of the information and entertainment that it is today.